
[NEWS] Lee Hyori is selected as the best bride-to-be for Kim Jae Dong

Lee Hyori is selected as the best bride-to-be for Kim Jae Dong.

On November 13, Kim Jae dong uploaded a picture and tweeted, “Please find a bride I can marry. I asked the audience at Youth Concert in Daegu. If the woman also wants to marry me, it will be great.”

In the picture, there’s a board that reads: “Please find a bride I can marry.” On the board, names of Son Ye Jin, Han Ji Min, Shin Bong Sun, and Lee Hyori are listed as candidates.

Unlike the columns of Son Ye Jin, Han Ji Min, and Shin Bong Sun, the column of Lee has a lot of stickers on.

Kim got a laugh by commenting, “Why don’t you ask me for my opinion?”

People responded: “I wonder what Lee Hyori thinks about this,” “Kim Jae Dong is a lucky man,” “He looks good with Lee Hyori. I hope they marry.”

Source: Korea

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