
[NEWS] Lee Hyori deserves encouragement on her current relationship

Singer Lee Hyo Ri is now in a relationship.

Her relationship with a singer-songwriter Lee Sang Soon is becoming a hot issue in the entertainment world since Lee has been popular and loved by many people regardless their age for the past decade.

Let’s take a close look of Lee Hyo Ri. She was just a high school student when casted by an entertainment agency for her good-looks in late 1990s. Lee soon debuted as Fin.K.L with Ok Ju Hyun, Lee Jin, and Sung Yuri in 1998.

Fin.K.L was featured as a group of “fairies” which seemed to be popped out of a fairy tale, earning tremendous popularity and building rival relationship with S.E.S. The group’s popularity must have been similar to the one of SNSD, the Wonder Girls, 2NE1, T-ara, and 4Minute today. If the Internet was more accessible by that time, Fin.K.L must have become even more popular.

The leader of that popular group was Lee Hyo Ri.

Many fans were interested in her because she had the best looks and talents. Because the agencies of those years were not as systematic as now, Fin.K.L was tempted to sign a contract with other agencies that came up with better deals when it finished activities of its first and second album.

However, Fin.K.L did not budge, and there was Lee Hyo Ri at the center.

As the group wrapped up its activities, members gathered to discuss over changing agency to the one that suggested a better deal. Lee did not learn about this topic until the meeting, and as soon as she heard of it, she left the room saying, “We wouldn’t have been able to come this far if it weren’t the boss and agency we’re now in. How dare you guys to think of signing a contract with other agencies?”

Daesung Planning, the agency which Fin.K.L worked with, did not have an official contract, so it could not pose a problem legally even if the group leaves the agency. However, Lee chose to be loyal and grateful. Fin.K.L’s other members eventually agreed with her and chose to be loyal, and their decision brought them a lasting life on TV.

Clearly, Lee had a strong sense of loyalty, but at the same time, she was very sensitive over many people’s eyes constantly watching her. Lee was too young to overcome and enjoy other’s attention in her early 20s.

Lee looks strong on the outside, but she gets hurt easily by vicious comments and articles. According to people who have known her for a long time say that Lee has cried a lot over those comments. If you take a step closer, you can see a tender-hearted star within her. She has been this way since 2003 when she released her first single, Ten Minutes.

Fans’ positive and negative attention both have contributed to Lee’s popularity and wealth today. Because she is “almost” a public figure, she might as well need to endure some of harsh critiques; that way, she can improve herself to become a better entertainer. But the equation “Lee Hyo Ri = I Hate Her” can never be justified, and it’s reasonable to be hurt by these postings because she is an ordinary women in her 30s when she is off-stage and camera.

Since her debut, it’s first time for Lee Hyo Ri to actually admit her relationship.

Regarding her present age, it is hard to say that she hasn’t been involved in any relationships before. However, looking back to the fact that she has not approved any relationships since the age of nineteen to this day, it is clear that she showed some courage this time. It means she needs some cheers from her fans. She may be crying already over some harsh comments.

Of course, this relationship might not continue and she could break up, but if you are her fan, you should hope that she keep her “Hyorish,” confident attitude and focus on her present love. Because she has made many people happy with her talents for the last ten years, those people are now encouraging her. There are many fans on her side.

Source : Korea

1 commentaire:

  1. You're absolutly right!!!!!

    I'm really angry against what pepole may said (harsh comments) about her relationship with Lee Sang Soon! It's her choice, her life and it's just amazingly nice to her to tell it officialy because it's her life.

    Hyori's a heart in disguise<3 she has a gift to see deeper than de the physic.

    Whatever, I'm one of her HARDCORE FAN since the day I knew her (2006), and I'll stand againts all of these who dare hurts my Hyori and always aprouve her choices!

    Hyori FIGHTING! V(^O^)V

    *And sorry for my horrible english. -.-'
