
[NEWS] Lee Hyo Ri says “I put all my leather jackets that I’ve been hiding in part of my conscience on the market”

Lee Hyo Ri who has been fighting for protection of abandoned animals finally put all her leather jackets on the market.

Lee Hyo Ri said on her Twitter on the 31th, “I put all my leather jackets that I’ve been hiding in part of my conscience to wear on the market. Sad.” Lee Hyo Ri was previously criticized for the pictures of her wearing leather jackets while she was fighting against fur clothes to project animals.

On this, Lee Hyo Ri said, “I’m not a perfect person. I’m trying to do things one by one. Please teach, help, and support me rather than denouncing me.”

Lee Hyo Ri finally put her leather jackets on the market to reconcile her words and actions.

Lee Hyo Ri said on her Twitter on that day, “I heard goose-down padding is more cruel than leather jacket,” and added a witty mention, “then can’t I even wear my Adidas long padding that I always wear in winter?” Also to the request to bring the sweatsuit that Kim Je Dong was wearing in the polls to the bazaar, she said, “if many people want it, I’ll try to bring it even if I have to steal it,” making her followers excited.

Source: Korea

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