
[NEWS] Bae Da Hae is thrilled to meet Lee Hyori

Bae Da Hae talks about her recent meeting with Lee Hyori.

She tweeted on the 11th, “A person whom I’ve admired and respected for a long time has come to watch me perform. I never imagined this day would come. I could not tell you, but I’m your biggest fan. I’m sure you are extremely busy, so I thank you for taking the time to come see me” and she attached the photo above.

The two seem very fond of each other’s company. With a simple shirt on top and a light makeup, Lee Hyori still looks beautiful as ever.

Lee Hyori also tweeted a bit later on the day, “I went to watch the musical ‘Sherlock Holmes‘. Da Hae has such a beautiful voice”.

The Netizens commented to the tweets, “It’s pleasing to see such good friendship”, “You really shine”, “Hyori unnie I’m a fan too~”.

Bae Da Hae and Lee Hyori became friends when Da Hae adopted two of Lee Hyori’s kittens, which were originally abandoned before Lee Hyori rescued them. Lee Hyori raises several abandoned animals, including her dog Soonshim, who was lucky enough to go on a vacation with Lee Hyori recently.

Source: Kpopfever

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